Thursday, March 18, 2010

credit unions

The House passed the $819 billion stimulus package. The bill extends unemployment insurance benefits, expands access to health care for the unemployed and allocates $125 billion for public education (plus many many extras). While the size of the stimulus, which almost equals the entire cost of annual federal spending under Congress's discretion, may seem shocking, it is chump change compared to the numbers flying around concerning the "bad bank." According to the Wall Street Journal, Government officials are discussing spending ANOTHER $1 to $2 trillion to help restore banks to health. One of the proposals, involves seeding the "bad bank" with $100 to $200 billion in TARP funds and then borrowing as much as $1 to $2 trillion by issuing debt. If this proposal comes to fruition, I would highly recommend a new moniker: Big Bad Leveraged Bank. It would be sort of like combining all of the stupidity from the past few years, into one big ugly operation run by the government, and then piling on some leverage for good measure. Sure this proposal is bound to make bank stocks rally, but it scares the living daylights out of me.

Meanwhile, the bailout du jour involves credit unions. Federal Regulators guaranteed $80 billion in uninsured deposits and injected $1 billion of new capital into the largest of these wholesale credit unions, US Central Federal Credit Union of Lenexa, Ka. According to the WSJ, the vast majority of regular credit unions are financially sound, however, a few of the wholesale or "corporate" credit unions were invested in mortgages (uh oh). The corporates are owned by the retail credit unions and provide services to the retail credit unions. Consequently, a failure of the corporates would affect the nearly 90 million Americans who hold deposits at credit unions. As of November, five of the largest institutions posted unrealized losses on their investments of $11.6 billion, up from $9.4 billion just a month earlier and double the level of last May. When the aforementioned US Central chose to take a $1.2 billion writedown by permanently recognizing some unrealized losses, regulators (The National Credit Union Administration) grew concerned and felt the need to take action. The $1 billion in new capital into US Central came from the NCUA's $7 billion insurance fund. Simple math tells me that the insurance fund now has $6 billion left and the industry has over $10 billion in unrealized losses, much of which will likely end up being real. The NCUA better work fast to get included in the TARP.

monetary policy

Yesterday afternoon, the Federal Reserve announced a hike in the discount rate from 0.50% to 0.75%. Everybody panicked, sold equity futures and bought dollars. While the Fed had already made clear that a hike in the discount rate would likely be the first move towards reversing the extraordinary monetary easing of the past two years, the market was positively flummoxed. Despite accompanying comments from the Fed stating the "modifications are not expected to lead to tighter financial conditions for households and businesses and do not signal any change in the outlook for the economy or for monetary policy," market participants were scrambling to interpret the move. Traders of all products were seen running around in circles after the close yesterday grabbing each other by the collar and screaming "I know they said it doesn't mean anything, but WHAT DOES IT MEAN???!"

After all, if the move was completely meaningless, why do anything at all? And why announce it at a weird time on a day when nobody was looking for the Fed to make an announcement? In its effort to keep from roiling the market, at least the folks at the Fed made the announcement after the close. But still, has Mr. Bernanke not heard of after-hours trading?

The discount rate, for those who are still unclear on the difference between the Fed's money market rates and various facilities, is the rate that banks can borrow from the Fed's emergency discount window. Up until the most recent credit crisis, NOBODY borrowed from the discount window, EVER unless they were minutes away from bankruptcy. In fact, rumors of a bank needing to borrow from the discount window could cause a run on the bank. Until the Fed relaxed the rigid rules of borrowing from the discount window during the height of the panic, investment banks on the brink would go knocking, begging to the Fed's discount window (i.e Drexel, Bear etc.) only to be turned away. Even though the Fed tried to encourage banks to borrow during the height of the crisis and ignore the stigma, it still refuses to hand over the names of the banks who were borrowing from the discount window. The stigma still exists even though nobody wants to admit that there is still a stigma.

So why, for the love of God, would the Fed raise the discount rate? Why make an announcement when nobody is expecting an announcement from the Fed? What purpose can it possibly serve? If it's largely symbolic, why accompany the move with a statement that says don't read anything into this? I believe that this is a big hint to the credit markets. The easy money party is nearly over. Be prepared for the Fed to turn on a dime and start making moves that aren't largely symbolic. Take heed. You have been warned.

Monday, March 8, 2010

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It is the job of every insurance agent to sell the scheme to a customer by wrapping up the entire package with impressive features and hiding the limitations by putting them in hardcore professional jargon and codes. Otherwise, check if there is a state sponsored risk pool. If a physician charges $120 for an office visit that means you will be charged $120 just to make the appointment

Best Homeowners Insurance - Affordable California Health In Insurance - Home Insurance Oakland 187

It is the job of every insurance agent to sell the scheme to a customer by wrapping up the entire package with impressive features and hiding the limitations by putting them in hardcore professional jargon and codes. Otherwise, check if there is a state sponsored risk pool. If a physician charges $120 for an office visit that means you will be charged $120 just to make the appointment

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Research can be conducted via the internet, periodicals, yellow pages, family and friends. Paying monthly premiums in a timely manner is important for people. This then is passed to an underwriter of the insurance company who makes the decision on any exclusions on your policy based on the information you submitted

repair the credit cards

Credit repair is very possible, but it takes time. Don’t wait until a crisis that has you screaming, “fix my credit!”

Government Assistance For Credit Card Debt - Dissolve Your Credit Bills

The downturn of the global economy has been hardly reflected on the financial status of almost every middle classed American.

Government Assistance For Credit Card Debt - Dissolve Your Credit Bills

The downturn of the global economy has been hardly reflected on the financial status of almost every middle classed American.

cash back credit card

When it comes to the many options available to you as far as credit programs today, it really doesn’t get much better than the ever popular cash back credit card. After all, you rely on your card to pay your bills, buy your groceries, and manage your budget each and every month. Who wouldn’t want a chance to earn cold, hard cash just for using their credit the same way they always do? While there’s no denying that cashback credit cards have a lot to offer, it’s nevertheless very important to remember that there is a definite strategy involved when it comes to making the most of yours. Read on to find out how you can maximize your savings and utilize your credit to your utmost advantage.

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Among the numerous prepaid cards, you can take a look at the Virgin Prepaid Master Card. This card is issued by Clydesdale Bank PLC. You can spend on this pay as you go card just like a credit card and this prepaid card is accepted in all the places where Master Cards are generally accepted. However just before you go for shopping with this card, you should load it with cash. Unlike a credit card, where you make the payment after you have bought the things, you need to load the cash in this card beforehand. You will not have to worry about the interest rate or the bills or extra payment or long bills at the end of the month.

Get Rid Of The Unending Credit Card Debt

Have unpaid credit card debt problems which get due every now and then? Want to pay all the debt without troubles? Read on…

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Depending on the form of flipping you plan to do, you would need to retain the services of a dealer to take care of your current investments for you personally.

ETF guide for new investors its best

The actual etf market usually provide a impressive experience for the newbie investor. An exchange-trade fund, or ETF for short, is a lot just like a mutual fund.

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From the time web stock trading came to people’s living rooms the quantity of online stock trading applications that arrived is incredible. Share researching lends itself perfectly to computer software and with the opportunity to replace so many hands-on tasks, trading online has never been less complicated. The nights of manually trading trend lines and searching long and hard at empty graphs seemed to be finally over.

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It’s complicated to provide exact stock photography information, although we have gone during the inflexibility of putting collectively as much new york stock exchange related information as likely. Even if you are probing for other information somehow associated to business, options, the stock market or stock futures this article will give you a great deal..

Monday, February 8, 2010


Global Forex Trading: Understanding How The World Market Works
04 December 2008

If there is one truly significant difference between the Forex markets of the world and their counterparts in stocks, bonds, futures, commodities or any other trading market you can think of, it would have to be the fact that the Forex market is truly international. When you are trading stocks there are always going [...]

Currency Forex: Learn Online Trading Basics

17 January 2009

If you are interested in Forex trading, there are some basic things that you need to know before you actually sit down at the table and start working. The first and arguably most important of these things is that Forex trading can be done through long and short positions, allowing you to take a [...]

Making Money from Currency: Learn How To Trade Forex

05 December 2008

One question that is often asked by people that are not well versed in the Forex trading industry is the question of profit. There are a lot of people that are highly suspicious of the idea that you can make money over the short term through Forex trading, and given the fact that swing [...]


One question that is often asked by people that are not well versed in the Forex trading industry is the question of profit. There are a lot of people that are highly suspicious of the idea that you can make money over the short term through Forex trading, and given the fact that swing trading and day trading strategies often require a person to make multiple trades per day, it is perhaps understandable that people would liken Forex trading to putting your money on red and hoping to double up on the first spin of the roulette wheel. Forex is quite a bit different from gambling, however, and there are many ways that you can make money through currency trading in the Forex market.

The first way you can make money through Forex trading is through the conventional trading strategy. In this strategy, your overall goal is to guess a long term fluctuation in a particular currency, and then stick to that trade for a number of years in order to get the return that you want. This is the Forex trading equivalent of putting all your money in a blue chip stock. The return that you get from doing so is not going to be the highest possible return you can get from the stock market, but at the same time it is usually the most reliable because of the established nature of blue chip stocks. A good example of a successful conventional Forex trading strategy would have been to purchase a number of Canadian dollars a decade ago as the value of those dollars have gone up substantially in the last decade even given their rather dramatic drop in the last couple of months.

The second way that you can make money through the Forex market is through a trading strategy known as day trading. This is a strategy of trading that involves you taking a look at the price of a particular Forex currency pair on a daily basis and then making your decisions based on those daily landmarks. Some people prefer to use differences in daily prices to determine a trend and try to hop on that trend whereas other people prefer to take a look at differences in daily prices over the course of a long period of time in order to try and guess the general behaviour that the currency market might display. However you choose to do it, if your main Forex point is to look at the day-to-day prices of Forex pairs then you are involved in day trading.

Finally, swing trading is the most hair-raising type of Forex trading available but at the same time it can be the most profitable if you play your cards right. Take for example the CAD/USD Forex currency pair. In the last year the CAD has gained dramatically against the USD, dropped off dramatically, gained dramatically for a second time and then stabilized in the $1.20 range. Someone that was able to predict all of these moves could have made a killing in the market. It is not easy to predict currency swings correctly multiple times a day but just two or three proper guesses could allow you to take home a very handsome amount of money each daY...


If there is one truly significant difference between the Forex markets of the world and their counterparts in stocks, bonds, futures, commodities or any other trading market you can think of, it would have to be the fact that the Forex market is truly international. When you are trading stocks there are always going to be hurdles to investing in foreign companies and the same is true for futures, commodities and even land because the government has direct control over all of those things and it can exercise that control whenever it feels the situation warrants it.

The Forex market on the other hand is simply about exchanging one currency or another. Aside from limiting the amount of currency they have available and therefore limiting the liquidity in the marketplace, governments can do absolutely nothing to prevent international exchanges of currencies and for that reason when you trade with Forex, you are truly participating in global Forex trading in the most basic sense of the term.

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Forex Trading Techniques For The Conservative To Agressive Investor

Posted by admin on 04 December 2008

Depending on the type of person you are, there are many Forex trading techniques that might appeal to you and many that might turn you off. In terms of the trader types, Forex trading is not really that different from stock trading. There are ultra-conservative traders who think nothing of entering just two or three trades a month while at the same time making sure that the trades they do enter are sure things that will definitely make them money. There are also ultra-aggressive traders that look to trade on a minute-by-minute basis, and in doing so, end up increasing their risk whilst at the same time increasing their potential profit. These archetypes rely on certain techniques to help make their strategies possible and while a full discussion is impossible in this short space, two examples of such techniques are sufficient to illustrate the variation.

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Mastering Forex: Learn Trade Dynamics Today

Posted by admin on 17 January 2009

Forex trading does not take place in a vacuum, contrary to the beliefs of many people that get involved with Forex to begin with. The idea of this massively liquid and volatile market is something that short-term traders love, but the truth of the matter is that Forex trading is not the silver bullet solution to the financial problems of the world that everyone makes it out to be. This is simply the truth and only by knowing the full truth about Forex trading can you possibly hope to discover whether this method of trading is really the one for you. Forex trading is very much governed by the principles of Murphy’s Law, and for that reason, there are many dynamics involved with a Forex trade that can go terribly wrong at any given point in time.

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Currency Forex: Learn Online Trading Basics

Posted by admin on 17 January 2009

If you are interested in Forex trading, there are some basic things that you need to know before you actually sit down at the table and start working. The first and arguably most important of these things is that Forex trading can be done through long and short positions, allowing you to take a particular currency and either buy more of that currency or sell what you have of the currency in order to try and catch a particular trend that might be forming at that very moment. It is a volatile and difficult discipline to master, but fortunately for the millions of people that now trade Forex online from the comfort of their own homes, the entry level to become a Forex trader is not at all difficult to achieve.

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Elements in a Good Forex Trade System

Posted by admin on 18 December 2008

Not all Forex trade systems are created equal. As you begin executing more complicated trades and start understanding the dynamics of a Forex trade better, you will quickly realize that there are some Forex trade systems that are good and some that just don’t measure up. More so than that however, you will understand that there are some Forex trade systems that are good in certain situations, but remain inappropriate or insufficient for others. This is partially why most people tend to think of Forex trading as an art rather than a science because even when you have a good mathematical system in place, you can end up losing out on trades if you apply it to the wrong currency pair or the wrong movement within the currency pair. There are some general rules that you can use to guide you as far as Forex trade systems are concerned, however.

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The Dos and Don’ts of Forex Trading Sites

Posted by admin on 18 December 2008

Forex trading sites have started appearing all over the place as people jump at the chance to cash in on the big boom in Forex trading that has occurred over the past few years. One can hardly blame people for taking this direction when there is so much money to be had in selling advice to people that are looking to strike it rich in Forex, but at the same time you as the consumer need to be very wary of dealing with Forex trading sites. It is better to err on the side of caution when internet transactions are concerned and while caution does not require you to avoid these sites entirely, it does present some general dos and don’ts when it comes to dealing with them.

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Jason Alan Jankovsky: The Forex Trading Mentor

Posted by admin on 07 December 2008

Jason Alan Jankovsky is a name that many people in the Forex industry are already very familiar with, but if you do not recognize the name then you should know that he is one of the most respected Forex traders of all time. He is relatively young for a successful trader but the fact that he has traded in almost every market imaginable makes him a great source of information not just about the Forex market, but about trading in general. Information about the Forex market can be gleaned from any one of dozens of different sources but the type of information and experience that Jankovsky possesses gives him insights into the trading process that very few other people have. This is what makes him a good Forex trading mentor. If you have the time to take your Forex research to the next level, you might want to consider a few of his books.

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Making Money from Currency: Learn How To Trade Forex

Posted by admin on 05 December 2008

One question that is often asked by people that are not well versed in the Forex trading industry is the question of profit. There are a lot of people that are highly suspicious of the idea that you can make money over the short term through Forex trading, and given the fact that swing trading and day trading strategies often require a person to make multiple trades per day, it is perhaps understandable that people would liken Forex trading to putting your money on red and hoping to double up on the first spin of the roulette wheel. Forex is quite a bit different from gambling, however, and there are many ways that you can make money through currency trading in the Forex market.

how to find thelegitimate survey companies that pay

If you are looking to earn some extra money each month, its easy to find websites that claim you can earn a ton of money taking surveys online. While its easy to find the ads, finding the actual survey companies that pay well sometimes takes a little more work. After all, do you really believe you are going to make $150 per hour for every survey you take? You're not. But here is how you can make several hundred a month in your spare time.

1. Search for a Free Survey List & Avoid the scam sites. The first thing people do when the want to join survey companies is search for a list of companies to sign up for. This is a great idea, however, a good many sites are trying to capitalize on your immediate need for income and try and charge you a fee to access their database or list. You don't need to pay anyone. It is important to know that you can find everything you need for 100% free.

2. Look for Method of Payment. When you go to register for the individual companies, look for the method of payment somewhere on the site. You will need to know this, because in order to keep a steady flow of surveys in your email inbox, you will have to register for a lot of companies. So while a company may be legitimate, some survey companies only offer sweepstakes as compensation. You may want to note which ones actually pay you cash (or with things like Visa Gift Cards) so you can complete these invitations first. Don't skip registering for the sweepstakes compensating companies, however, because you will occasionally get a great paying survey out of them, free products to test, or be invited to a $150/hour focus group. Just make a mental note and filter the junk from your email after you have read what they are offering you for your time.

3. Look for Realistic Websites. The ones that imply you can make $75 or $150 per survey on a regular basis are flat out misleading you. Keeping this in mind, they may not be truthful about the rest of their site either. Higher paying surveys are just not very consistent, and some people never end up qualifying for them at all. Most surveys will pay between $1-$8 and take anywhere from 5-20 minutes to complete. Still, if you figure out the hourly rate for doing this simple job at home, it's a great way to earn money!

No matter what some websites will tell you to get you to sign up, be aware that some paid survey sites will post other work-at-home opportunities and get rich quick schemes within their survey lists because they know you are looking to make money. Don't do it. Legitimate individual survey companies/panels will never make you pay anything to register, and don't require anything from you except your time and opinion. So, if you want to find survey companies that pay you cash, you have to do a little legwork and register for as many companies as you can, then filter your survey invitations as they come.

Here is where you can see a list of my favorite Top 5 Survey Companies that pay you cash.

C.D. Watson is the author of this article and has written several hundred articles in her areas of expertise and life experience. If you'd like a cost-free start to earning money online, you can start by getting your Free Paid Survey List above, or visit the website:

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Secret Trading Formula Only a Handful Of Traders Know..

What you are about to read will change how you trade forever. Not only will it change how you trade - it will change how you look at the market.

Here's why: There is a certain combination of simple indicators and technical analysis that can consistently and accurately tell you where to get into and out of the market with a massive profit and laser sharp accuracy.

  • You will not find this in any other book or web site.
  • This is a unique discovery.
  • This simple technique has never been used in this combination before.

I am not talking about some hypothetical mumbo jumbo here. I am going to show you exactly how to pinpoint your entry price, your exit price and where to put your stop loss.

Don't take my word for it. Listen to a full time, professional trader who has been using the method for over a year?

Spectators can never understand what it is like to be a player. This is your chance to become a real player.

The problem with most new traders is that they lose their account before they even get a chance to understand how the market works. I know - I have been there:

I know what it's like to watch every pip on the screen until your eyeballs go red.

I know what it's like to have a losing position turn bad just as your ready to take your profit.

I know what it's like to have your own money on the line. You see - everyone is an expert until it comes to putting their hard earn cash on the table. When you lose buddy, you feel the pain! If you have five or six losing trades in a row, you are ready to give up.

That's exactly how I felt when I started trading. I knew there had to be a better way. I was certain there had to be a way to trade that didn't put me on an emotional roller coaster. I also knew I could crack the code.

I started by reducing my trading method down to measurable parts, this allowed me to analyze the parts that didn't work.

This didn't happen overnight. It took 5 long years of sleepless nights, frustration and countless combinations of indicators and systems.

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